STid Mobile ID® plugin

    STid Mobile ID® transfers your access credentials to smartphones, in addition to or instead of the RFID card, and simplifies the day-to-day management of your badges.
    The STid Mobile ID® plugin, integrated with the Genetec unified Security Center platform, provides a single interface to control all STid Mobile ID® Portal functionality, including virtual cards issuance and revocation.
    From Security Desk, you can manage all STid Mobile ID features, including :
  • Virtual cards creation and revocation.
  • Management of all credentials from the Security Center
  • Synchronization from Genetec and STID Mobile ID®.
  • Mass import from Genetec or STid Mobile ID®.
  • View all virtual badges in a Security Center report
  • Privilege management (create, edit, and view rights)


Technical diagram


Plugin configuration
    In Config Tool, the STid Mobile ID® plugin offers the following functionalities:
  • Connection parameters with the STid Mobile ID® portal
  • Custom fields to save virtual badge settings
  • The relationship between site, reader configuration and card format
  • Synchronization management (manual or automatic)

Operational use
    The STid Mobile ID® integration makes it possible to take advantage of the unification offered by the Genetec Security Center:
  • Real-time monitoring of events
  • Event-action mechanisms
  • Unification with CCTV
  • Report on virtual cards
  • The STid Mobile ID® virtual card manager by an access button
  • The creation, sending, revocation and deletion of the virtual card(s)
  • Privilege management (create, edit, and view rights)

Features and Benefits
Installation type Plugin
Synchronisation method From Security Center or From STid Mobile ID®
Synchronisation type Manually or automatically (Status change: Inactive, lost, stolen and expired)
Number of Synchronisations 500 virtuals cards, 1000 virtuals cards, 2000 virtuals cards or unlimited
Massive import Yes (From Security Center or From STid Mobile ID®)
Creation of credentials Automatique (based on card format) (random or incremental)
Real-time monitoring of events Yes
Report on virtual cards Yes